
Design Support

Maybe you have a logo. Maybe you have a doodle on a gently used cocktail napkin. Maybe you have a vision you need help capturing. Maybe you have nothing but burning desire…we can help at any level of the design process. Solid design is readily applied across all platforms, from digital and print media to wearable merchandise. Design is our foundation.



Let us transform the concept to the concrete. The merchandising landscape is vast and the choices seemingly endless and overwhelming. Our knowledge of fabrics, cuts, colors, evolving production techniques and distribution within the retail space gives us an advantage when creating premium products designed with one thing in mind: Your Brand.



We’re all in this together. No Star prides itself on partnering with manufacturers who ensure humane working conditions and champion the environment. We have a range of sustainable fabrics and domestic assembly to fit your needs. We offer environmentally friendly inks on our prints and also a carbon neutral offset for freight. In the end, closing the loop is the ultimate goal. No Star provides affordable options to make environmentally conscious decisions at every level of manufacture and production.